Train Loader Equipment

Mining Industry

Cargo Batch Weigh Train Loader Equipment
From Jiangyin, China
To Roy Hill project site, Australia
Details Batch weigh train loader equipment
Schenck Process Australia Pty. Limited and Samsung C & T Corporation awarded separate contracts to NMT to manage the movement of the batch weigh train loader equipment from Jiangyin, China to the Roy Hill Iron Ore Project, Australia via Shanghai and Port Hedland. NMT employed the services of a naval architect, an engineer and two port captains to supervise and coordinate the whole process in China.

The batch weigh train loader equipment measured 13.5m x 13.4m x 54.5m and weighed approximately 342 tonnes. The cargo sub-assemblies were trial assembled in Jiangyin prior to loading and then dismantled into three major pieces for shipment. It took five days to load, secure and ship the cargo down the Yangtze River to the awaiting ocean vessel in Shanghai Port.

Cargo structure
The cargo was dismantled into three major pieces for shipping together with numerous ancillary components.

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